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Integrative Anthropological Sciences (behavioural ecology, evolutionary demography, global health, the family, parental care, marriage, sexual conflict, gender equality; Tanzania)
PhD in Anthropology, University College London (2009)
Originally from Northern Ireland, I moved to California and joined UCSB in 2016. Prior to joining to UCSB, I held posts in the Department of Population Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and in the Department of Anthropology at University College London.
I am an evolutionary and cultural anthropologist interested in family life, gender and global health. I direct the Applied Evolutionary Anthropology Lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Our research aims to better understand conflicts and trade-offs in family relationships, and in turn inform related public/global health practice. To do this we conduct mixed-methods field research, mostly in Tanzania, online surveys and secondary analyses of demographic datasets.
A complete list of publications is available here.